Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wed. April 27--6th hour

View the following and comment--

What factors hurt Richard Nixon in the debate with JFK?
How is social media being used in campaigns?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Why you should love $5 gas??

More expensive gas could be a good thing? Appraently, there are some possible benefits. See the list below...What do you think?

Fewer people will die on the road. The less you drive, the more likely you will survive.

Shorter security lines. Soon, hardly anyone will be able to afford to fly willy-nilly around the country or globe. You will breeze through the maze of airport checkpoints.

Less pollution. Less driving means cleaner air.

High prices lead to lower prices. If gas prices rise enough, the government will open up areas now closed to oil production, and oil companies will be able to invest in more-expensive methods of extracting oil. Soon we will be drowning in the stuff, and prices will drop again.

More exercise. It can't hurt to walk the three blocks to the grocery or bike to school or work.

Local businesses may profit.If you can't afford to drive out to the Wal-Mart or The Home Depot, you may be buying instead at the local supermarket or neighborhood hardware store. In addition, as the cost of transporting, say, grapes from Chile, goes out of sight, you may turn to regional farmers for your produce.

What do you think? Do you love it? Is there anything you could like about it?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Georgia governor to sign law targeting illegal immigration

Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia plans to sign into law what may be one of the nation's toughest anti-illegal immigration measures, his spokesman, Brian Robinson, said Friday.

Unmoved by threats of boycotts and lawsuits, the Republican-dominated Georgia Legislature passed the tough law Thursday night, during the final hours of this year's legislative session. Robinson did not say when the governor would sign the measure.

"The bill reflects well the priorities and principles on which the governor campaigned ... last year," he said. "We believe that it reinforces the law in Georgia."

Among other things, the bill allows law enforcement officers to ask about immigration status when questioning suspects in certain criminal investigations. It punishes people who transport illegal immigrants during the commission of a crime and imposes hefty prison sentences on those who use fake documents to get jobs.

After the vote, the bill's author, Republican state Rep. Matt Ramsey, declared, "We have done the job that we were sent to do." Ramsey said the bill addresses issues forced on the states because of the federal government's decades-long failure to secure the nation's borders.

What do you think aboiut this bill? It sounds like the states are starting to do what the national government has failed to do. What do you think about this?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Ariz. Legislature OKs presidential 'birther' bill

The Arizona Legislature gave final approval late Thursday night to a proposal that would require President Barack Obama and other presidential candidates to prove they are U.S. citizens before their names can appear on the state's ballot. Arizona would become the first state to require such proof if Gov. Jan Brewer signs the measure into law. Republican Rep. Carl Seel of Phoenix, the author of the bill, said the bill wasn't about opposition to Obama. "This bill is about the integrity of our elections," Seel said. Thirteen other states have considered similar proposals this year. The proposals were defeated in Arkansas, Connecticut, Maine and Montana. So-called "birthers" contend since the last presidential election that Obama is ineligible to hold the nation's highest elected office because, they argue, he was actually born in Kenya, his father's homeland. What do you think about this law? Is it needed? Could it affect the 2012 election?

Which PoLiTiCaL PaRTy are you??

Take the quiz to see what party you "belong" to. Tell us what you got and if you agree. Go to:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

White House Replica for Sale

Want the presidential digs without the presidential headaches? There are two replicas of the White House for sale. One is in McLean, Va. It was built by a Vietnamese engineer who built it in the mid-'70s. The house is for sale for $4.65 million and has six bedrooms, seven bathrooms, a gym, a home theater, a wine cellar and even an oval office (with a piano instead of a desk). The White House for sale is in Atlanta, Georgia and listed at $10 million. This White House has an Oval Office, a Lincoln bedroom and a pool in the backyard.