Sunday, February 27, 2011
ReAl Or FaKe?
Post something you learned and how you did on the quiz
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Are Video Games a Freedom Speech Issue? The Supreme Court is Set to Decide.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Shame Kids into Better Grades?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011
'I won't pay' movement spreads across Greece

In one of their frequent occupations of the toll booths on the northern outskirts of Athens recently, protesters wore brightly colored vests with "total disobedience" emblazoned across their backs, and chanted: "We won't pay for their crisis!"
A rash of political scandals in recent years, including a dubious land swap deal with a rich monastery and alleged bribes in state contracts - has fueled the rebellious mood.
"I don't think it's part of the Greek character. Greeks, when they see that the law is being applied fairly and to all, they will follow it too," said Nikos Louvros, the 55-year-old chain-smoking owner of an Athens bar that openly disobeys the smoking ban. "But when the law isn't being applied to some, such as when there are ministers who have been stealing, ... Well, if the laws aren't followed at the top, others won't follow them."
Mid-quarter Break
Government in Action --addresses
You may write a letter orsend an email to an elected offical concerning an issue that concerns you or a bill that is being voted on. TO EARN CREDIT....PRINT OFF A COPY OF YOUR EMAIL
Use this link to determine who YOUR state senators and representatives are.
Minnesota Cheeseburger Bill??

Sunday, February 20, 2011
Protesters rally for 6th day at Wisconsin Capitol

Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Which Founding Father are YOU?

Take the quiz and tell us your results. :)
Egypt Revolution...what was life like?

Yesterday we watched a 60 Minutes special on the revolution in Egypt. We did not really learn that much about what life was like under the autocrat Mubarak.
Research this and post something for us to read! What was life like for the people? Why did they revolt? How much control did the dictator have over their lives?
Freedom of Speech?

This is an interesting story....the 1st Amendment gives us freedom of speech, but we know that there are limitations on our individual rights. What do you think about this story? Are freedoms violated?
A high school English teacher in suburban Philadelphia who was suspended for a profanity-laced blog in which she called her students "disengaged, lazy whiners."
As she fights to keep her job at Central Bucks East High School, 30-year-old Natalie Munroe says she had no interest in becoming any sort of educational icon. The blog has been taken down, but its contents can still be found easily online.
Her comments and her suspension by the middle-class school district have clearly touched a nerve, with scores of online commenters applauding her for taking a tough love approach or excoriating her for verbal abuse. Media attention has rained down, and backers have started a Facebook group.
'Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy LOAFERS'
"My students are out of control," Munroe, who has taught 10th, 11th and 12th grades, wrote in one post. "They are rude, disengaged, lazy whiners. They curse, discuss drugs, talk back, argue for grades, complain about everything, fancy themselves entitled to whatever they desire, and are just generally annoying."
And in another post, Munroe writes: "Kids! They are disobedient, disrespectful oafs. Noisy, crazy, sloppy, lazy LOAFERS." She also comes up with a colorful list of comments that she felt should be available on student report cards.
Munroe points out that she also said positive things, but she acknowledges that she did write some things out of frustration.
Munroe did not use her full name or identify her students or school in the blog, which she started in August 2009 for friends and family. Last week, she said, students brought it to the attention of the school, which suspended her with pay.Munroe has hired an attorney, who said that she had the right to post her thoughts on the blog and that it's a free speech issue. The attorney, Steven Rovner, said the district has led Munroe to believe that she will eventually lose her job.
You fix the Minnesota deficit

Go to this website and see what the options are for fixing the deficit...
What did you choose? Was it hard to make cuts? Describe what you did and you can earn GOVERNMENT IN ACTION credit.
How bad is Minnesota's budget deficit? Mega-bad
Minnesota is headed toward a historic budget deficit that could rock state government -- and the people who depend on it -- down to its core.
State budget officials put our deficit at $6.2 billion.Unlike the federal government, the state is constitutionally required to balance its budget, a constraint that will force elected officials to consider options they've never looked at before.
"We can't tax our way out of this problem," said Senate Taxes Chairman Tom Bakk, DFL-Cook. "You cannot raise taxes by that much. You can't cut the state budget by that much, either. I would argue that everything -- every spending program, every tax -- has to be on the table. This will require a major re prioritization of programs."
What do you think about the state having to balance its budget every year? We can not carry a debt. Is this good or bad? Why?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Arizona Sues Federal Government

Arizona's complaint against the federal government echoes concerns expressed by many Republicans on Capitol Hill - that the administration isn't doing enough to curb illegal immigration. "The [Homeland Security Department] Secretary has not built at least 700 miles of fence along the border as required" by a law that was approved in 2006, the complaint said. "The Secretary has failed to provide for the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors to achieve and maintain 'operational control.'
Arizona Republican Gov. Jan Brewer said the government should use its resources to protect Arizona from drug cartels that are using Arizona's borders for their operations.
How much do elected officials know about their government?
•Only 49 percent of elected officials could name all three branches of government, compared with 50 percent of the general public.
•Only 46 percent knew that Congress, not the president, has the power to declare war -- 54 percent of the general public knows that.
•Just 15 percent answered correctly that the phrase "wall of separation" appears in Thomas Jefferson's letters -- not in the U.S. Constitution -- compared with 19 percent of the general public.
•And only 57 percent of those who've held elective office know what the Electoral College does, while 66 percent of the public got that answer right. (Of elected officials, 20 percent thought the Electoral College was a school for "training those aspiring for higher political office.")
Overall, our sample of elected officials averaged a failing 44 percent on the entire 33-question test, 5 percentage points lower than the national average of 49 percent.
What do you think about this? Should our elected officals know more about our government?
Constitution Quiz
BiZzaRe LaWsUiTs

A Washington state sheriff's deputy sued Burger King and one of its franchises for $75,000 over something he definitely didn't order with his Whopper. That could end up being one expensive lunch. Let's take a look at some other bizarre lawsuits that have made the docket.
- An L.A. cop sued Victoria's Secret (for an undisclosed amount) over injuries inflicted when she tried on a thong.
- Nebraska's longest-serving state senator filed an unusual lawsuit against a higher power.
- A Washington, D.C., judge sued his dry cleaners for $65 million over a lost item. What became his nickname?
- In Cleveland, a part-time paralegal sued NBC for $2.5 million because a sequence from one of its shows (now defunct) made him physically ill.
- A Wisconsin man sued his cable company for providing four years of free service that had unwelcome effects on his family.
- A woman sued Universal Studios in Florida for $15,000 because one of its featured attractions was too scary for her.
- A Michigan man sued Anheuser-Busch for false advertising when what the ads depicted didn't actually happen after he drank the beer. Pick a case and find out the them in a response for us all to read.